Welcome to the October Roundup! Here to summarise updates from the last month, what’s coming up next month, and sneak peeks for features and events on the horizon!
There is a #suggestions forum in Discord, and for our non-Discord members or members who wish to leave anonymous suggestions, we have a Suggestions Google Form (also linked on the dA and Website Homepages). Please leave constructive feedback where possible; if you have a complaint, please present it objectively and if you have an idea for a solution to your issue, please include that too. The group is run by volunteers, and we do our best, but we cannot always respond immediately so please be patient and understanding.
Please do not make suggestions to mods directly via DM or note, and do not note @Boucle-Unicorn group, or any of our mule accounts,with suggestions or feedback. Please use one of the official suggestion avenues so that we can compile all the ideas and feedback in one place.
- Remember to check your Import stashes, we have a lot of designs awaiting tweaks from you!
- Please do not submit your foal designs to the queue if you have redeem notes in for the ID, it fills the queue unnecessary.
- Dralloween has been extended and runs until November 11th.
- The ABC will open in December – The Adopt a Boucle Centre – we are working on the finishing touches of merging the BoucleShops into the group, and turning it into an official geno adoption centre. Members will be able to adopt genos, and donate genos for a small amount of UG or XP boosts. This will especially benefit newbies who would like a foal-size alternative to the Newbie Import system!
What’s on Now
The following events are running this month:
- Breedings – are closed in November
- Festival of Might – the FoM runs every month from 1st-20th, this month’s theme is Game On!
- Drawlloween – We are once again partnering with Faime to bring you this fun event! Be sure to check out our journal for details!
- November Palette Challenge – Offering new activities along with bigger and better rewards! This month’s colour palette is available on the homepage as well!
- The Boucle Academy – is still going strong, earn extra XP for your Boucle by completing a course!
- Boucle Meme – Earn extra XP and Gold by completing our Meme!
Horizon Features
This section includes sneak-peeks at what we’ve got planned a few months down the line! Stuff that’s on the horizon!
- Import Note Generator – Progress is being made on a tool to help you with import rarities, and even to pre-format your import notes! An alpha-stage version is on target to become public sometime in September!
- Explorations – More ARPG elements are already in development, you can expect Explorations to land later this year as a way to earn Unicornian Gold, Pralines, exclusive companions, and on the rare occasion, DIY imports!
- Certificates – Also in development for the Boucle Academy, Certificates will give your Boucles different breeding/exploration bonuses once completed.
- Group NPCs – After some fab suggestions in the May Discussion, we will be expanding the Group NPCs. We already have some NPCs from an old Boucleween Event, so we will be bringing these to life plus some others to make rarer event genes more available; their slots will be available to members in the future as prizes for various events.
- Website Overhaul – We aim to have all the information scattered across dA and the old website to be collected in one beautiful resource, as well as clarify a lot of FAQs and make information finding easier for all of us <3
- Surprises! – We have many exciting ideas for new things down the line, but we shan’t be revealing them all. While we will be giving you more teasers when we are able, members will still have some exciting surprises to look forward to!
Backlog Summary
Approximate processing times for the following teams are as follows:
Registration: within a week
Transfers: within a week
Reward Redeems: ~ 2 weeks
Foal Designs: ~ 2 weeks
Import Designs: XP/Prize commented up to the last week, DIYs within a month
Breedings: ~ 2 weeks
BU-MP Counts: ~ 2 months
BU-MP Plaques: ~ 1 week
BU-RP Pralines: ~ 2 weeks, companion bondings ~ 1 month
BU-RP Events: within a week