A quick cheat list of all the group functions and forms!

  1. Designing Foals
  2. Registering
  3. Breeding
  4. Transferring Boucles
    • Unbonding Companions
    • Changing Username
  5. Redeeming Items
  6. Trading Items and Rewards
  7. Imports
  8. Castration
  9. Deceasing 

Forms with this background should be sent to the group

Forms with this background should be sent to the @BU-RP account

Designing Foals

You can only design a foal if you have a genotype through breeding or via a praline or DIY prize! Design your foal on the corresponding Boucle Foal Lines. Submit it to the correct group folder for your foal’s ID (Eg A001 belongs in A-ID Foals) and make sure to include the following:

Breeding note/prize redemption link: (even if sent by someone else) or link to the contest where you won the foal
Foal ID:
Phenotype: (copy directly from the breeding note or import, do not add commas or other breaks! Example: Rouge Tobiano (Rapunzel) )
Genotype: (copy directly from the breeding note or import, do not replace the slashes or change the capitalisation! Example: ee/aa/nTb/(R) )
Breeding Anomalies (BAs):
Birth Defects (BDs):
Type: (copy exactly from the breeding note)
Height: (copy exactly from the breeding note)
Gender: (classiques can choose later on the ref if desired)
Designer: (if not yourself)

Find out more about the design process on the Designing Page and the Designing Foals Page.


To register your boucle, first make sure the design is accepted! Then submit the reference deviation to the relevant ID folder (Eg A001 belongs in A-Registry). Art must be a coloured headshot at the very least.

You CAN use commissions, premade or reused linearts! Always credit the original artist if the art was not made by you, and make sure you have their explicit permission to re-upload their art.

Boucles MUST have a reference to be bred, but do not need a reference for anything else!

To add injuries to your boucle on their reference, first you need to complete an Injury prompt: see the Injuries page for more info.

When you draw your Boucle’s reference, you can edit any Breeding Anomaly’s (BA’s) shape and size to fit your vision! You can even use different expressions similar to the way Palais, Bataille and Classique have different mertail expressions; you’re not limited to exactly how the pre-drawn lines look, as long as it’s identifiable as that BA. Remember BAs are beneficial to the boucle and shouldn’t impede its health in any way, but they can be adorably inconvenient.

The title MUST include the boucle’s ID at the beginning, and then the name! You can add more to the description but the following information is required, or the reference will not be accepted:

Age: (remember that boucles must be 5+ to breed, and a boucle’s lifespan is upward of 200 years. Age must include a number, e.g. 8yo or 5+ yo, or less than 5 years old)
Type: (copy exactly from the design/breeding note)
Height: (copy exactly from the design/breeding note)
Phenotype: (copy exactly from the design/breeding note)
Genotype: (copy exactly from the design/breeding note)
Breeding Anomalies (BAs):
Birth Defects (BDs):
Injuries (optional):
Foal/Import Design:

Lineage: (Only lineage up to SSS/DDD generation is required, if you want to extend it further you can do so outside the grid; include IDs and links to all ancestor’s references, put “unknown” if the boucle is a starter)

—————————————— SSS:
—————– SS:
—————————————— SSD:
Sire: ID name or “unknown”
—————————————— SDS:
—————– SD:
—————————————— SDD:
—————————————— DSS:
—————– DS:
—————————————— DSD:
Dam: ID name or “unknown”
—————————————— DDS:
—————– DD:
—————————————— DDD:

Breeding Slots: (all classiques and palais start with 6 slots and batailles start with 3 slots until more are unlocked on @bu-mp)



Find out more about breeding on the Breeding Page. To breed two unicorns, both parents must both be registered and then note the group titled “Breeding” with the following form:

Sire ID & Link:
Height: __hh

Dam ID & Link:
Height: __hh

Praline/Reward Name:
Redeem ID/Link:

Transferring Boucles

Please note the @boucle-unicorn group titled “Transfer” with the following form:

Boucle ID:
New Owner: @_____
Sold for Currency/dA Points/Traded/Gifted

You may send multiple transfers per note if they are all for the same person.

Remember that not all boucles can be sold for currency, including group raffle prizes. 

Unbonding Companions

If the boucle has a bonded companion that you do not want to transfer along with the boucle, please note the @BU-RP account titled “Unbonding Companion” with the following form:

Companion ID: The ID of the companion in question, starting with #
Boucle ID:
Transfer notea link to the transfer note of the boucle

If you do want to transfer along with the boucle, please follow the instructions under Trading Companions below once the boucle has been transferred.

Updating Username

If you’re updated your account’s username, note us with this form titled “Updating Username” so we can update our records:

Old Username:
New Username:
List of IDs: (you can use your Lookup Tool to get an easy list)

If you’ve MOVED accounts rather than updated the same account’s username, please send the transfer note from the account that the boucles are registered to.

Redeeming Items

To redeem pralines or MP rewards, please note the @boucle-unicorn group with the form on the praline or reward itself! For other items, please follow the instructions in the item’s description!

Trading Items and Rewards

You can sell or trade MP rewards with the exception of Prophet/700MP, Demigod(dess)/900MP and Deity/1000MP which you can only trade for art or other rewards.

You can gift any rewards.

Trading Items or Pralines


  • You may only sell items you have bought for currency (whether firsthand from Bob’s Trinket Shoppe or from another member), and you may not sell your items for more than you payed for it.
  • Bought items may not be traded for more art than the equivalent XP value as specified in the Shoppe.
  • Any items gifted to you may only be gifted onwards.
  • Non-gift items gotten through non-currency means may be traded for other items, art, genos, slots or other non-currency things. They may also be gifted to another member.

To trade items and pralines (anything with a thumbnail on @bu-rp) please note the @bu-rp account with the following form:

Title the note as follows: [What you want to transfer] Transfer
E.g. Praline Transfers
Take extra care to make sure this information is correct and that you have replaced everything within “[]” (including “[” and “]”) – you can’t edit the title once the note is sent!

Item: (the item’s name, and if applicable a link to the item’s deviation)
Redeem ID: (The Redeem ID# of the unused item assigned to you in the Boucle Bank as proof that you can use this item)
New Owner: @_____ (link must be working!)
Sold for Currency/dA Points/Traded/Gifted: (Remember to state amount if sold for currency or traded for XP! Items gotten for anything other than real life currency cannot be sold for real life or in game currencies, with very few exceptions)

Trading Companions

You can trade companions for other items or art but you cannot sell them. To trade companions please note the @bu-rp account with the following form:

Title the note as follows: [What you want to transfer] Transfer
E.g. Silkie Transfers, Glimmer Dragon Transfer
Take extra care to make sure this information is correct and that you have replaced everything within “[]” (including “[” and “]”) – you can’t edit the title once the note is sent!

Companion: (the companion’s name and a link to the companion’s deviation)
Companion ID: (The Companion ID# assigned to your companion in the Boucle Bank as proof that you own this companion)
New Owner: @_____ (link must be working!)
Sold for Currency/dA Points/Traded/Gifted: (Remember to state amount if sold for currency or traded for XP!)

Transferring XP Rewards

To trade any rewards to another player (including import rewards), you just need to reply to the @bu-mp comment that marks it as yours and say “Transferred to @______”.


To redeem imports, note the group with the forms found on the Importing a MP/SP Import page or the Importing a Prize Import page.

To trade an import that your boucle has earned to someone else, you must first transfer the MP reward, you just need to reply to the @bu-mp comment that marks it as yours and say “Transferred to @______”. Then that person can send the note with the form as described on the Importing a MP/SP Import page or the Importing a Prize Import page.


Boucles can be castrated, see the Castration page for more info.


Boucle Unicorns cannot be deceased. If you would no longer like your unicorn, consider trading or gifting it! Otherwise you can simply retire the character and no longer use it but it will always remain yours so you can use them again if you return to the group <3