What are breeding anomalies?
Breeding anomalies, shortened to BAs and previously known as breeding mutations (BMs), are anomalies that can randomly occur when breeding two boucles together. They most often modify the boucles body in some way or another. There are common, uncommon, rare and legendary BAs.
Are BAs optional?
Most BAs are optional if rolled randomly! However, BAs are never optional if inherited from a parent. In the list below, the name of the BA is followed by * if it is not optional when rolled randomly. If it is also followed by +, the BA can occur on imports!
Are BAs inheritable?
BAs are inheritable, but at a lesser rate than genes. If only one parent has the BA, it will pass at a 25% rate. If both parents have the same BA, it will pass at a 50% rate. However, some BAs can only be expressed on certain mane types and thus will only express if the foal also has that mane type. All inherited BAs are not optional.
How often do BAs roll randomly?
Alternate Birthstones (I & II), have a 20% chance each to appear at any foal, regardless of if the foal has other BAs rolled or not (as long as those BAs are not incompatible with alternate birthstones, for example void).
For all other BAs, there’s a 2.5% chance that the foal will have a rare or legendary BA, a 7.5% chance that the foal will have an uncommon BA and a 15% chance that the foal will have a common BA. A foal can randomly roll 0-2 BAs, but can inherit more!
Can I choose the BAs?
On an import, you can choose Alternate Stone I or Alternate Stone II and one of the following BAs:
- Chimerism
- Brindle
- Reverse Brindle
- Bend-or Spots
- Birdcatcher Spots
- Lacing
On foals, you can use the 400MP/Enchanter Reward to add two BAs of your choice, and you can use as many Enchanter Rewards as you like on one foal!
Can you have all the BAs?
It is possible to add multiple BAs with the Enchanter Reward, however not all BAs are compatible. Eg You cannot have multiple types of ears, multiple types of wing, multiple types of tail etc.
Common Breeding Anomalies
Alternate Birthstones I & Alternate Birthstone II: +
These common BAs change the birthstone from the month’s common birthstone to one of its less common alternate stones:
Brindle: +

This common BA causes darker striping over the boucle’s body! The striping is never partial or clustered in such a way that it mimics dun or tigerdun, nor does it form a dorsal stripe.
Curled Ears:

When you wanna be extra cute, curled ears are just the thing! This BA curls the tips of the ears inward just like a Marwari!
Dual Stones:

A common BA, dual stones creates the appearance of two different gems within the bouclite. The gemstones will be the current month’s birthstone and the next month after it. If the boucle also has Alternate Birthstone I or Alternate Birthstone II, all birthstones will be from that set. If combined with Double Horns, each horn can look like its own type of gemstone! However, the appearance in the eyes and hooves are always split.
Floppy Ears:

This common BA causes a Poodaleere boucle’s ears to become large and flop over, causing a doglike look. The BA only occurs in Poodaleere or Excessive Poodaleere boucles.

These gills help boucles breath underwater! Great for visiting your swampy and ocean friends, or for being a swampy or ocean friend!
Trial Stones:

A common BA, trial stones creates the appearance of three different gems within the bouclite. The gemstones will be the current month’s birthstone and the next two months after it. If the boucle also has Alternate Birthstone I or Alternate Birthstone II, all birthstones will be from that set. If combined with Triple Horns, each horn can look like its own type of gemstone! However, the appearance in the eyes and hooves are always split.
Uncommon Breeding Anomalies
Bison Horns:

Headbutt your way to victory with these cute bison horns! This is an Uncommon BA that adds Bison horns sprouting from the unicorn’s head. may or may not be made of bouclite!
Excessive Hair Growth (Excessive Poodaleere and Excessive Lion’s Mane)*:
Excessive Hair Growth is an uncommon BA that causes the mane of the Poodaleere and Lion’s Mane types to cover a larger portion of the body! It changes the mane type of Poodaleere to Excessive Poodaleere and Lion’s Mane to Excessive Lion’s mane. Once the BA is applied, it inherits like any other mane type and does not need to be written in as a BA in the reference nor in breedings! You can add Excessive Hair Growth to any geno with the Poodaleere or Lion’s Mane type.
*Excessive Hair Growth is not optional when inherited or rolled!
Elf Ears:

This uncommon BA replaces the ears with extra pointy elf ears! These boucles typically have better hearing than most!
Feather Wings:

This uncommon BA causes feathery wings to sprout from the boucle’s withers, similar to those found in birds! They sometimes grow big and strong enough for the boucle to fly, but are assisted better with air magic. They adopt the colour of the main body or mane unless the boucle has plumes or other mutations that colour the body.

This uncommon BA causes a ridge along the spine similar to a fish’s dorsal fin. The fin can be any colour and may vary in height and transparency.

Gemini is an uncommon BA that causes the foal to be born with two heads! It is up to you if they act and think independently or in connection! Each head will have the same BAs unless affected by Corruption or Ancients’ Blessing. Each head can be affected differently by mutations!

One toe on each foot not cutting it? Have three! Tridactylism adds two extra toes to each foot, expressing in a rance between small dew-claws like a deer all the way to three fully functioning toes like that of a tapier. All toe hooves are always Bouclite.
Yi Wings:

Did you know there’s a dinosaur with feathered membrane wings?! Boucles do! Grow yourself a set of Yi wings and be just like the little Yi qi, except not extinct.
Rare Breeding Anomalies
Adder Horn*:

This rare horn bisects to form a circle, usually with a floating piece of Bouclite suspended in there. Still pointy on top!
*This BA is not optional when randomly rolled.

Anery Boucles are lacking all colour pigment! Turns the whole coat, mutations, even skin to total monochrome!
*This BA is not optional when randomly rolled.

Albinism is a rare BA that turns the coat white and the bouclite a pastel pink, pastel purple or pastel blue. Sometimes, markings can show through very, very faintly in an off-white colour.
*This BA is not optional when randomly rolled!
Arcane Horn*:

This rare horn goes zig-zag, sometimes with a floating piece of Bouclite suspended where the horn should have continued upward.
*This BA is not optional when randomly rolled.
Backswept Horn*:

Get yourself a Bouclite combover, this rare BA lengthens and sweeps the horn back over the poll.
*This BA is not optional when randomly rolled.

This rare BA shortens the tail of the boucle to between 3-12 inches (7-30cm). It may or may not have long tail hair and look just like a normal horse tail or look similar to other bobtails like deer, bears and rabbits. These boucles do not seem to have any balance issues, just like lapins. (Bobtail lines are not included in the foal line templates so you can customise the appearance!)
Branch Horn*:

A rare BA, it causes the horn to twirl, grow longer and sometimes sprout flower-like growths, taking the appearance of a tree branch! Unless the natural birthstone BA is present, branch horn does not affect the colour of the bouclite.
*This BA is not optional when randomly rolled.
Canine Tail:

What a good boi! Your Boucle can express every puppydog emotion with this rare tail anomaly! Replaces the usual tail with a fluffy canine-like tail!

This rare BA causes two extra heads to grow from the boucle’s shoulders! Each head will have the same BAs unless affected by Corruption or Ancients’ Blessing. Each head can be affected differently by mutations! It is up to you if they act and think independently or in connection!
Chimerism*: +

Chimerism causes two foals to fuse together in utero, causing one individual with two genotypes! The edges between the genotypes will be sharp, and each area will show its own genotype. Either genotype have an equal chance of passing its genes to the offspring.
*This BA is not optional when randomly rolled.
Double Bat Wings:

This rare BA causes two pairs of leathery wings to sprout from the boucle’s withers, similar to those found in bats! They sometimes grow big and strong enough for the boucle to fly. They take on the colour of the boucles base coat. Even though there are two wings, they count as one BA!
Double Betta Wings:

This rare BA causes two pairs of flowing fishy wings to sprout from the boucle’s shoulders and down the upper legs, similar to the fins of betta fish! Despite being called ‘wings’ they never give the boucle the ability to fly though they might swim a bit faster! The fins may be any colour. Even though there are two wings, they count as one BA!
Double Butterfly Wings:

This rare BA causes two sets of butterfly wings to sprout from the boucle’s withers! They are not quite strong enough to help a boucle do more than glide, but combined with air magic they can fly properly! The wings can be any shape and colour. Even though there are two wings, they count as one BA!
Double Feather Wings:

This rare BA causes two sets of feathery wings to sprout from the boucle’s withers, similar to those found in birds! They sometimes grow big and strong enough for the boucle to fly. They adopt the colour of the main body or mane unless the boucle has plumes or other mutations that colour the body. Even though there are two wings, they count as one BA!
Double Dragonfly Wings:

This rare BA causes two sets of see-through wings to sprout from the boucle’s withers, similar to those found in dragonflies! They can be any colour. They are not quite strong enough to help a boucle do more than jump a bit higher, but combined with air magic they can fly properly! Even though there are two wings, they count as one BA!
Double Yi Wings:

This rare BA causes two sets of feathered membrane Yi wings to sprout from the boucle’s withers! They can be any colour. They are not quite strong enough to help a boucle do more than jump a bit higher, but combined with air magic they can fly properly! Even though there are two wings, they count as one BA!

This is a rare BA that causes crystals of bouclite that extend from the horn and hooves of the boucle.
Reverse Somatic:

Don’t be so negative! This rare BA causes a small patch of the Boucle’s body to become inverted in colour. Patches are at maximum the size of the head, but can be anywhere on the Boucle.
True Kirin*: +

A rare BA that only occurs in boucles with the Kirin mane, True Kirin causes a tine-like horn and cloven hooves! It does not affect the colour of the bouclite. You CAN add True Kirin to Kirin foals using Enchanter/400MP rewards.
This BA is not optional when randomly rolled, and has a higher chance of occuring in boucles with the draco mutation!
Legendary Breeding Anomalies
Alternate Tail:
This BA replaces the tail of the Boucle with the tail from ANY other mane type! Which tail it gets is up to the designer, and it’s also up to the designer to merge the two linearts. Does not combined with other tail mutations, eg, you can’t get Double Alternate Tails! It has a random chance to be rolled for any mane type. You CANNOT add Alternate Tail to a foal with an Enchanter/400MP reward. Alternate Tail has the same chance as other BAs to be inherited.

This legendary BA is actually four BAs in one! It has a random chance to be rolled for any mane type, and adds Double Nubbin, Crest, Dino Feet and Dino Tail (if the boucle doesn’t already have them). You CANNOT add Dinocorn to a foal with an Enchanter/400MP reward, but you can use multiple ones to add all of the BAs that make it up. Dinocorn has the same chance as other BAs to be inherited.

This legendary BA is actually four BAs in one! It has a random chance to be rolled for Poodaleere and Excessive Poodaleere mane types, and adds Floppy Ears, Brindle, Paws and Excessive Hair Growth (if the boucle doesn’t already have them). You CANNOT add Doge to a foal with an Enchanter/400MP reward, but you can use multiple ones to add all of the BAs that make it up. Doge has the same chance as other BAs to be inherited.

This legendary BA is actually two BAs in one! It has a random chance to be rolled on foals with the nectar mutation, and adds Butterfly Wings and Antenne (if the boucle doesn’t already have them). You CANNOT add Fluttecorn to a foal with an Enchanter/400MP reward, but you can use multiple ones to add all of the BAs that make it up. Fluttercorn has the same chance as other BAs to be inherited.

This legendary BA is actually three BAs in one! It has a random chance to be rolled for any mane type, and adds Double Fin Ears, Narwhal Horn and Mertail (if the boucle doesn’t already have them). You CANNOT add Mericorn to a foal with an Enchanter/400MP reward, but you can use multiple ones to add all of the BAs that make it up. Mericorn has the same chance as other BAs to be inherited.
Boucles with the Orca mutation have a higher chance to randomly roll this BA!

This legendary BA is actually five BAs in one! It has a random chance to be rolled for the Bald type, and adds Beak, Feather Ears, Feather Wings, Feathered Neck and Talons (if the boucle doesn’t already have them). You CANNOT add Vulture to a foal with an Enchanter/400MP reward, but you can use multiple ones to add all of the BAs that make it up. Vulture has the same chance as other BAs to be inherited.