This section is still a giant WIP as we move the colour info to the new website! Please bear with us <3
Many links will still lead to the dA pages but eventually it will all be moved here!
Boucle Unicorns come in a whole lot of colours, and this page aims to guide you through them.
To start off, there are the base colours; noir, brun and rouge. All other colours are variations of these three, affected by different dilution genes. These dilutions are grouped into four categories; natural, unnatural, special and birthday dilutions.
Then we have modifiers, these add to or alter the base coat slightly! Some are natural and available on all imports, and others are unnatural which add to the rarity of imports.
And then we have mutations, these are added on top of the base colours and modifiers and give boucles their most unique features! Most of these can be added to imports, or imported with special MP imports.
During events, we have limited edition event coats or event mutations. These can usually be inherited from the parents at any time of the year but cannot be imported.
Base colours and natural dilutions
These colours all count as natural – or Rarity 0 – for all import types.
- Base colours (rouge, brun & noir)
- Cream colours
- Pearl colours
- Champagne colours
- Classic Peach colours
- Modern Peach colours
Unnatural dilutions
On a paid import, these colours add to the rarity!
On an MP Import, you can have one of these colours “free” without increasing the rarity.
- Chocolat colours
- Spiced Chocolat (not available for imports)
- Aqua colours
- Abricot colours
- Rouille colours
- Regius colours (not available for MP imports)
- Brasier colours
- Soir colours
- Orchid colours
- Paon colours
- Doré colours
- Tea colours
- Fange colours
- Wyvern colours (not available for MP imports)
- Highlighter colours
Special dilutions
These dilutions are only available via special MP tiers (bonbon can also be imported with paid customs):
Birthday Dilutions
These colours are only available via special admin sales:
Natural Modifiers
You can add any number of natural modifiers to any type of import:
Unnatural Modifiers
Each of these unnatural modifiers adds to the the rarity of a paid import.
On an MP import – if you chose a natural base – you can have one of these modifiers for “free”.
All of these mutations are available on most types of import, and cost a rarity point each to add. They also have extended forms unless otherwise stated on their sheets.
Retired Mutations
These old mutations are “retired” – they cannot be imported on MP imports or with paid imports, but can still be inherited from boucles that already have it. Optionally you may remove retired mutations from foal genos without the use of pralines.
Birthday Mutations
These mutations are only available via special sales or adoption events around our admins’ birthdays, or via the Demigod(dess) 900MP Reward:
Event Coats
Event coats can cover the entirety of the base coat – not including “3D” mutations – and can be any colour or pattern within the theme of the coat:
Retired Event Mutations
These even mutations originated from special events, and turned normal mutations into Festive or Spooky versions! They can be inherited but they cannot be imported. Like normal retired mutations, you have the option to remove these if they appear on a foal geno, buy you cannot turn them back into the non-Festive/Spooky version!
Christmas Mutations:
Spooky Mutations
Base colours
There are three base colours in boucles. All other boucle colours are variants of these three, affected by one or several dilutions. Noir Art by SilveringOak Possible genotypes:EE/aaEe/aa Brun Art by SilveringOak Possible genotypes:EE/AAEe/AAee/AAEE/AaEe/Aaee/Aa Rouge Art by SilveringOak Possible genotype:ee/aa… Read More
Cream colours
Cream is a natural dilution that is the incompletely dominant gene of its locus. It shares locus with pearl, brasier and soir, and therefore you can never get a boucle that is homozygous for cream and carries any of the other dilutions or a boucle that carries cream and more than one of the other… Read More
Pearl colours
Pearl is a natural dilution that shares locus with cream, which it interacts with, as well as soir and brasier which it is dominant over. As it shares locus with cream, soir and brasier, you can never get a boucle that is homozygous for pearl and carries any of the other dilutions, or a boucle… Read More
Champagne colours
Champagne is a natural dilution that is the dominant gene of its locus. It shares locus with paon, doré and smoke, and therefore you can never get a boucle that is homozygous for champagne and carries any of the other dilutions or a boucle that carries champagne and more than one of the other dilutions.… Read More
Classic peach colours
Classic peach is a natural dilution. It shares locus with modern peach and therefore you can never get a boucle that is homozygous for classic peach and carries modern peach. Classic peach is completely dominant over modern peach, but incompletely dominant over the wildtype non-peach allele. Classic peach interacts with the following, so make sure… Read More
Modern peach colours
Modern peach is a natural dilution. It shares locus with classic peach and therefore you can never get a boucle that is homozygous for classic peach and carries modern peach. Modern peach is recessive to classic peach, but incompletely dominant over the wildtype non-peach allele. Modern peach interacts with the following, so make sure to… Read More
Chocolat colours
Chocolat is an unnatural dilution that is fully dominant over the wildtype non-chocolat allele of the locus. Chocolat interacts with the following, so make sure to check those pages if you cannot find the colour you’re looking for: Natural dilutions: cream champagne classic peach modern peach Unnatural dilutions: fange Special dilutions: classic bonbon modern bonbon… Read More