As a boucle earns magic points and reaches certain tiers, their magic awakens and levels up! This journal aims to explain what boucle magic can do!

To learn more about MP, the tiers and how to get it counted, please refer to the following:

Something to keep in mind is that boucle magic is naturally passive! It does not lend itself well to aggressive use, but boucles make great defensive steeds.

Primary Magic

When a boucle’s magic first awakens, it is always in the form of one of the following primary strains:

  • Water
  • Ice
  • Fire
  • Air
  • Earth

The primary magic is awakened at basic level, gradually going into medium and then expert level.


Basic level

At the basic level, boucles with water magic can manipulate small amounts of water vapour in the air to take liquid form (limited to about the size of a deep puddle), have minor control over liquid water (for example creating small waves), can hold their breath under water for a very small period of time and can cause rain directly over themselves.

Medium level

Boucles with medium level water magic can manipulate medium amounts of water vapour in the air to take liquid form (limited to about the size of a small natural pond), have medium control over liquid water (for example creating and holding unnatural shapes still connected to the main body of water), can hold their breath under water for up to an hour and can cause localized raining in an area around themselves about the size of a small field.

Expert level

Once a boucle has expert level water magic, they can manipulate large amounts of water vapour in the air to take liquid form (limited to about the size of an average lake), have control over liquid water (for example lifting and moving water free from its original source), can breathe under water and can cause it to rain in an area roughly the size of a valley.

Boucles with water magic cannot:

  • Change the temperature of the water
  • Manipulate water inside living tissue
  • Cannot produce thunder or lightning


Basic level

At the basic level, boucles with ice magic can freeze small amounts of water (limited to about the size of a puddle where the ice will not be thick enough to stand on), create frost in fur or small area of land (limited to about the size of the boucle itself), have better cold tolerance (but will still freeze in low temperatures) and can cause it to snow directly over themselves.

Medium level

Boucles with medium level ice magic can freeze medium amounts of water (limited to about the size of a pond where the ice will not be thick enough to stand on for a boucle but might carry small animals), can freeze small amounts of water with ice thick enough to stand on for a boucle (limited to about the size of a puddle), will constantly have frost in longer fur, can create frost in a medium area of land (limited to about the size of a glade), are highly cold resistant (but will still freeze in extremely low temperatures) and can cause localized snowing in an area around themselves about the size of a small field.

Expert level

Once a boucle has expert level ice magic, they can freeze a big amount of water (limited to about the size of a lake where ice will not be thick enough for an adult boucle to stand on but might carry a young boucle foal), freezing medium amounts of water with ice thick enough to for an adult boucle to stand on (limited to about the size of a pond), will constantly have frost in fur, can create frost in a big area of land (limited to about the size of a big field), are unaffected by any naturally occurring cold (but would still be affected by things like liquid nitrogen) and can cause it to snow in an area roughly the size of a valley.

Boucles with ice magic cannot:

  • Manipulate liquid water or water vapour
  • Create ice without a pre-existing water source to freeze
  • Freeze water inside living tissue


Basic level

At the basic level, boucles with fire magic can kindle a small flame (limited to about the size of a candle flame) from pre-existing heat and flammable material, have limited control over fire, can warm a pot of water to boiling point, can scorch the ground under their hooves and can heat up a small surface (for example a rock).

Medium level

Boucles with medium level fire magic can kindle a medium flame (limited to about the size of a camp-fire) from pre-existing heat or flammable material, can kindle a small flame (limited to about the size of a candle flame) from nothing, have medium control over fire, can warm a small pond to boiling point, can scorch the ground in an area about the size of themselves and can heat up a medium area (for example a small cliff face).

Expert level

Once a boucle has expert level fire magic, they can kindle a large flame (big enough to engulf a tree) from pre-existing heat or flammable material, can kindle a medium flame (limited to about the size of a camp-fire) from nothing, can evaporate a small pond, have almost full control over fire, can heat a small lake to boiling point, can scorch the ground in an area the size of a small field and can heat a medium area of rock (for example a small cliff face) to the point it turns into lava.

Boucles with fire magic cannot:

  • Extinguish flames
  • Withstand heat better than other boucles
  • Fully control large fires
  • Intensionally burn living tissue


Basic level

At the basic level, boucles with air magic can create a small puff of wind (strong enough to ruffle hair but not much else), can create tiny clouds floating directly above their head, can make something small float in the air for a longer period of time (for example a sock) and can create an air bubble around their muzzle for a few minutes.

Medium level

Boucles with medium level air magic can create a puff of wind strong enough to knock someone over, can create a small storm clouds overhead, can make something fairly big float in the air for a short period of time (for example a saddle) and can create an air bubble around their muzzle for an hour or so.

Expert level

Once a boucle has expert level air magic, they can create storm winds, can create a whirlwind, can carry several heavy objects or living beings in the air and can create an air bubble around whole body and several passengers for as long as needed.

Boucles with air magic cannot:

  • Manipulate the air someone is breathing
  • Create rain or thunder
  • Create a vacuum


Basic level

At the basic level, boucles with earth magic can help already existing seeds or seedlings grow faster, can revive smaller plants like flowers and grass, can communicate with plantlife to an extent (feeling similar to being emphatic) and can manipulate smaller plants to move to an extent.

Medium level

Boucles with medium level earth magic can make small to medium plants grow out of nothing, can revive medium sized plants like shrubs and smaller trees, can communicate with plantlife fairly well (akin to hearing them speak like whispers) and can manipulate smaller and bigger plants to move fairly well.

Expert level

Once a boucle has expert level earth magic, they can make any kind of plant grow in or out of season, can revive any kind of plant, can feel plants around them and speak to them fully and can manipulate any kind of plant.

Boucles with earth magic cannot:

  • Control or communicate with animals
  • Cause plants to wilt
  • Use plants to cause harm to another being

Secondary Magic

When a boucle awakens their secondary magic, it can be any primary strain they haven’t already mastered or any of the following strains:

  • Stone
  • Metal
  • Blood
  • Illusion
  • Electricity

The secondary magic is awakened at basic level, gradually going into medium and then expert level.


Basic level

At the basic level, boucles with stone magic can cause very localised tremors (like affecting the ground directly beneath them shaking when slamming down a hoof), can sense semi-precious stones shallowly under ground (up to 3 metres under themselves) and can manipulate and shape a small to medium amount of sand (sand volume less than the boucle itself).

Medium level

Boucles with medium level earth magic can cause localised tremors (like affecting the ground in an area twice as large as themselves when slamming down a hoof), can sense precious stones shallowly under ground (up to 3 metres under themselves), can sense semi-precious stones further under ground (up to 6 metres under themselves) and can manipulate and shape a small to medium amount of rock (rock volume less than the boucle itself.

Expert level

Once a boucle has expert level stone magic, they can cause medium to large tremors (like affecting the ground in an area four times their size then slamming down a hoof), can sense precious stones further under ground (up to 6 metres under themselves), can sense semi-precious stones far under ground (up to 20 metres under themselves), can manipulate and shape rocks to create a golem up to twice their size (golems are not actually alive and are controlled by the boucle).

Boucles with stone magic cannot:

  • Create precious gems
  • Create tremors strong enough to topple buildings
  • Create sentient beings
  • Manipulate plant matter or metal


Basic level

[basic metal thumb]

At the basic level, boucles with metal magic can shape metal up to a hoof in diameter to create intricate ornaments, coins and figurines! They can sense and extract ore from up to a metre below ground. They can also make their skin impenetrable to small, slow-moving metal objects.

Medium level

[medium metal thumb]

Boucles with medium level metal magic can shape metal up to the size of their chests. They can craft medium pieces of armour and light tools. They can also sense and extract ore from up to three metres below ground. They can make their skin impenetrable to small, fast-moving metal objects and medium, slow-moving metal objects.

Expert level

[expert metal thumb]

Once a boucle has expert level metal magic, they can shape a chunk of metal up to the size of a boucle. They can craft large pieces of armour, heavy tools and large structures for housing or decoration. They can also sense and extract ore from up to 10 metres below ground, and make their skin impenetrable to any metal objects.

Boucles with metal magic cannot:

  • Melt or levitate metal
  • Create metal out of nothing
  • Use metal directly to cause harm to another being
  • Control metal in large structures or inside a living being.


Basic level

[basic blood thumb]

At the basic level, boucles with blood magic can heal minor scratches and scrapes, and also see ghosts but cannot communicate with them. They can also protect themselves from all but the most contagious diseases.

Medium level

[medium blood thumb]

Boucles with medium level blood magic can heal deep cuts and cure minor poisons as well as all but the most severe diseases. They can also talk to ghosts but cannot summon them. They can protect themselves from all diseases and can also offer some protection to another being they are in physical contact with.

Expert level

[expert blood thumb]

Once a boucle has expert level blood magic, they can heal terrible wounds and serious poisons as well as all illnesses, and also summon ghosts! They can protect themselves and any being they are in physical or spiritual contact with fully from disease.

Boucles with blood magic cannot:

  • Poison or harm other boucles
  • Banish or destroy spirits
  • Reanimate the dead or resurrect someone clinically dead.


Basic level

[basic illusion thumb]

At the basic level, boucles with illusion magic can make minor glamours such as hiding their horn or shortening their mane and tail. They can also make minor auditory illusions, like whispers or distant music. 

Medium level

[medium illusion thumb]

Boucles with medium level illusion magic can make themselves look another colour entirely, or add features like markings or smaller BAs. They can also cast small illusions away from their body, like specters or small objects. They can also make themselves partially disappear! They can also imitate most sounds as illusions, like other voices or animal sounds. 

Expert level

[expert illusion thumb]

Once a boucle has expert level illusion magic, they can make themselves look exactly like another boucle, or make illusionary cosmetic changes like having another animal’s features. They can even cast perfect likenesses of other creatures including boucles and humans to move around them. They can also make themselves appear completely invisible!

Boucles with illusion magic cannot:

  • Make actual physiological changes – even though they look like something, their body still exists in the same space, they just make others think they look like something else
  • Create solid objects – an illusion is broken when they are moved through, with the exception of Ancients’ Blessing illusions that just cause confusion!
  • Cause illusions to stay after they have gone
  • Cause others to “go insane” from their illusions


Basic level

[basic electricity thumb]

At the basic level, boucles with electricity magic can sense electricity around them, and can charge themselves with a small amount of static electricity from the air. They can also sense oncoming thunderstorms.

Medium level

[medium electricity thumb]

Boucles with medium level electricity magic can control one electrical device close to them, and charge themselves with enough electricity from the air to give someone a painful but not harmful zap if touched. They can also control where lightning strikes, but not conjure it.

Expert level

[expert electricity thumb]

Once a boucle has expert level electricity magic, they can control several electrical devices close to them. They can also create a protective force field of electricity around themselves and any other being touching them, and can control and conjure lightning from preexisting storms.

Boucles with electricity magic cannot:

  • Strike another boucle or other being directly
  • Create storms out of nothing
  • Control Unicornian devices (as they do not run on electricity!)

Tertiary Magic

When a boucle’s magic rank reaches Magician (200MP), a third/tertiary strain is unlocked. It can be any of the previous strains from Primary or Secondary Magic or one of the following strains:

  • Dark 
  • Light 

The Tertiary magic is awakened at basic level, gradually going into medium level at the Conjurer tier (300MP) and then expert level at the Enchanter tier (400MP).


Basic level

[basic dark thumb]

At the basic level, boucles with dark magic can enlarge existing shadows a little, as well as partially disappear into the shadows. They can also cloak themselves in nighttime, making it appear as night around their form even during midday.

Medium level

[medium dark thumb]

Boucles with medium level dark magic can enlarge existing shadows a lot, conjure small friendly shadow creatures from nothing as well as fully disappear into shadows. They can cover an area about four times their own size in nighttime, making it appear as night there even during midday.

Expert level

[expert dark thumb]

Once a boucle has expert level dark magic, they can fully cover a big area in shadow from just a tiny preexisting shadow, can create large friendly shadow creatures from nothing and can teleport between shadows when standing in them. They can also cover an area the size of a field in nighttime, making it appear as night there even during midday.

Boucles with dark magic cannot:

  • Create hostile shadow creatures
  • Put curses or hexes on anyone or anything
  • Control, communicate with or resurrect the dead


Basic level

[basic light thumb]

At the basic level, boucles with light magic can partially control light sources in their immediate vicinity, and can create small motes of light close to themselves. They can also make themselves glow very faintly.

Medium level

[medium light thumb]

Boucles with medium level light magic can control light sources they can see or that are in their immediate vicinity, and can create a medium ball of light they can send a small way away from themselves. They also glow strongly enough that you can see it faintly in the light of midday.

Expert level

[expert light thumb]

Once a boucle has expert level light magic, they can control several light sources close to them or that they have seen recently, as well as create several medium balls of light they can send far away from themselves. They permanently glow brightly and can make themselves so bright they temporarily blind someone.

Boucles with light magic cannot:

  • Permanently blind another boucle
  • Change the temperature of things or themselves
  • Burn anything
  • Resurrect the dead or heal the living

Quaternary Magic

When a boucle’s magic rank reaches Archmage (500MP), a fourth/quaternary strain is unlocked. It can be any of the previous strains from Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Magic or one of the following strains:

  • Daydreamer

The Quaternary magic is awakened at basic level, gradually going into medium level at the Seer tier (600MP) and then expert level at the Prophet tier (500MP).


Basic level

[basic daydreamer thumb]

At the basic level, boucles with daydreamer magic can sense when other boucles are dreaming, and if it is a good or bad dream. They can sense the realm of dreams but cannot walk into it. Quite often their eyes are half-lidded and they look permanently sleepy.

Medium level

[medium daydreamer thumb]

Boucles with medium level daydreamer magic can see what another boucle is dreaming. They can start exploring the realm of dreams but cannot walk far into it without getting lost. More often than not they have their eyes closed, but they can still “see” what is around them!

Expert level

[expert daydreamer thumb]

Once a boucle has expert level daydreamer magic they can appear in another boucle’s dream and influence nightmares to become nice dreams. They can walk freely into the realm of dreams and return back safely or use it as a short cut to get somewhere else. They can sense Dormito, the deity of dreams, strongly and can sometimes commune with them inside the realm of dreams, as well as sense other deities faintly. Their eyes are permanently closed, but they can still “see” what is around them!

Boucles with daydreamer magic cannot:

  • Cause bad dreams
  • Make a boucle fall asleep
  • Take others with them into the realm of dreams
  • Talk to deities directly, like you would another person

Quinary Magic

When a boucle’s magic rank reaches Spirit (800MP), a fifth/quinary strain is unlocked. It can be any of the previous strains from Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary Magic or one of the following strains:

  • Time

The Quinary magic is instantly awakened at expert level!


With time magic, a boucle can travel back and forth through time at will! They can choose to spend as much or as little time as they like in any time period. They can also slow down or speed up time around them, as well as remember everything that’s ever happened to them.

Boucles with time magic cannot:

  • Change the future (because anything they do in the past has already happened in the future!)
  • Take another being with them through time (with the exception of bonded companions)
  • Teleport or otherwise change their location through magic (they have to walk)

Senary Magic

When a boucle’s magic rank reaches Demigod(ess) (900MP), a sixth/senary strain is unlocked. It can be any of the previous strains from Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary and Quinary Magic or one of the following strains:

  • Telepathy

The Senary magic is instantly awakened at expert level!


With telepathy, a boucle can speak to any creature using a voice they project into the other’s mind! The voice uses the language that the creature understands, so a telepathic boucle makes an excellent translator! They can also use telekinesis to move objects around.

Boucles with telepathy magic cannot:

  • Change another being’s thoughts
  • Convince others to do harm to themselves or others
  • Throw objects onto others or otherwise harm someone with telekinesis

Septenary Magic

When a boucle’s magic rank reaches Deity (1000MP), a seventy/septenary strain is unlocked. It can be any of the previous strains from Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary, Quinary and Senary Magic or one of the following strains:

  • Creator

The Septenary magic is instantly awakened at expert level!


With creation magic, a boucle can create any object out of thin air. It can be of any material and any size! It can also be organic, or even another creature! They cannot necessarily control these creations. They do have a tendency to attract wildlife and seems to calm animals.

Boucles with creator magic cannot:

  • Create actual imports or real boucles XD
  • Control their creations