For more information on the magic point system, please read this journal: Magic Point System
For information about boucle magic and what it can do, please read this journal: Boucle Magic
For how to get your MP counted, please read this journal: About BU-MP
For how to redeem your MP imports, please read this journal: Importing a MP Import
Magic Point Tiers
As you reach certain levels of MP for your boucle you earn tiers which all have rewards tied to them. You can read more about each tier and its reward further down, but here is a short list:
- Apprentice – 10 MP
- Druid – 25 MP
- Witch or Wizard – 50 MP
- Sorcerer – 100 MP
- Magician – 200 MP
- Conjurer – 300 MP
- Enchanter – 400 MP
- Archmage – 500 MP
- Seer – 600 MP
- Prophet – 700 MP
- Spirit – 800 MP
- Demigod or Demigoddess – 900 MP
- Deity – 1000 MP
After Deity, your Classique Boucles can apply for Scholarships of the Ancients‘
Magic Point Rewards
Snazzy icons by @AmethystAbyss

Earned at 10 magic points, at least 3 of which have to be from something other than lineage.
Awakens your boucles magic! You get to choose one primary strain:
- Air
- Earth
- Water
- Ice
- Fire
Unlocks one extra breeding slot, totalling 7 breeding slots.

Earned at 25 magic points, at least 7.5 of which have to be from something other than lineage.
Levels up your boucle’s primary magic to medium!
Unlocks one extra breeding slot, totalling 8 breeding slots.
Witch or Wizard

Earned at 50 magic points, at least 15 of which have to be from something other than lineage.
Levels your boucle’s primary magic to expert!
Unlocks two extra breeding slots, totalling 10 breeding slots.
Grants the right to import a standard rarity 1 MP import, for more info and how to redeem your import read this journal: Importing a MP Import

Earned at 100 magic points, at least 30 of which have to be from something other than lineage.
Unlocks your boucle’s secondary magic strain! Secondary magic reaches medium level at 125 MP and expert level at 150 MP.You get to choose from the following:
- Stone
- Metal
- Blood
- Illusion
- Electricity
- Any primary strain, see Apprentice
Unlocks two extra breeding slots, totalling 12 breeding slots.

Earned at 200 magic points, at least 60 of which have to be from something other than lineage.
Unlocks your boucle’s tertiary magic strain! You get to choose from the following:
- Light
- Dark
- Any secondary strain, see sorcerer
- Any primary strain, see apprentice
Unlocks three extra breeding slots, totalling 15 breeding slots.
Grants the right to guarantee twins on a breeding of your choice. Add the following to the bottom of your breeding note to redeem it:
Praline/Reward Name: [ID of your boucle] Magician Reward
Praline/Reward Link: (Link to the magician reward comment on your boucles plaque)
It’s important that you remove and replace everything within [], including removing “[” and “]”.

Earned at 300 magic points, at least 90 of which have to be from something other than lineage.
Levels up your boucle’s tertiary magic to medium!
Unlocks three extra breeding slots, totalling 18 breeding slots.
Grants the right to import a bonbon rarity 1 MP import, for more info and how to redeem this import read this journal: Importing a MP Import

Earned at 400 magic points, at least 120 of which have to be from something other than lineage.
Levels up your boucle’s tertiary magic to expert!
Unlocks four extra breeding slots, totalling 22 breeding slots.
Grants the right to add any two breeding anomalies to any foal or breeding of your choice. When added to a breeding it guarantees all foals will have the two BAs, whereas when added to an already rolled foal it only adds them to one foal.
Apply to a Breeding
To apply it to a breeding, add the following to the bottom of the breeding note:
Praline/Reward Name: [ID of your boucle] Enchanter Reward
Praline/Reward Link: (Link to the enchanter reward comment on your boucles plaque)
BAs you want to add: [BA1] and [BA2]
It’s important that you remove and replace everything within [], including removing “[” and “]”. If you only wish to add one BA, simply remove “and [BA 2]”.
Apply to a Geno
To apply it to an already rolled foal, send a note to the boucle-unicorn group (not BU-MP) with the following:
Title your note as follows: “[ID of the boucle who earned the reward here] Enchanter Reward Redeem”
Take extra care to make sure this information is correct and that you have replaced everything within “[]” (including “[” and “]”) – you can’t edit the title once the note is sent!Enchanter reward earned by: ID & name of and a link to the boucle who earned the reward
Plaque: link to the plaque of the boucle who earned the reward
Adding to: ID of and a link to the boucle you want to add the reward too
BAs: list the two BAs you want to add. If you want to add just one, please specify that.
Other wishes: Such as if you want to transfer a design from the old foal lines to the new foal lines

Earned at 500 magic points, at least 150 of which have to come from something other than lineage.
Unlocks your boucle’s quaternary magic strain! You get to choose from the following:
- Daydreamer magic
- Any tertiary magic, see magician
- Any secondary strain, see sorcerer
- Any primary strain, see apprentice
Unlocks four extra breeding slots, totalling 26 breeding slots.
Grants the right to import a special mane rarity 1 MP import, for more info and how to redeem this import read this journal: Importing a MP Import

Earned at 600 magic points, at least 180 of which have to come from something other than lineage.
Levels up your boucle’s quaternary magic to medium!
Unlocks five extra breeding slots, totalling 31 breeding slots.
Grants the right to one of two things;
- Add an Ancients’ Blessing on any existing, non-blessed boucle of your choice
- Import a standard rarity 0 MP import with Ancients’ Blessing
To learn more and for how to redeem either option, read this journal: Importing a MP Import

Earned at 700 magic points, at least 210 of which have to come from something other than lineage.
Levels up your boucle’s quaternary magic to expert!
Unlocks five extra breeding slots, totalling 36 breeding slots.
Grants the right to import a smoke rarity 1 MP import, for more info and how to redeem this import read this journal: Importing a MP Import

Earned at 800 magic points, at least 240 of which have to come from something other than lineage.
Unlocks your boucle’s quinary magic strain! You get to choose from the following:
- Time magic
- Any quaternary magic, see prophet
- Any tertiary magic, see magician
- Any secondary strain, see sorcerer
- Any primary strain, see apprentice
Unlocks six extra breeding slots, totalling 42 breeding slots.
Grants the right to import a standard rarity 1 MP import with any event horn, for more info and how to redeem this right read this journal: Importing a MP Import
Demigod or Demigoddess

Earned at 900 magic points, at least 270 of which have to come from something other than lineage.
Unlocks your boucle’s senary magic strain! You get to choose from the following:
- Telepathy
- Any quinary magic, see spirit
- Any quaternary magic, see prophet
- Any tertiary magic, see magician
- Any secondary strain, see sorcerer
- Any primary strain, see apprentice
Unlocks six extra breeding slots, totalling 48 breeding slots.
Grants the right to import an otherwise standard rarity 0 boucle with one homozygous birthday mutation, for more info and how to redeem this import read this journal: Importing a MP Import

Earned at 1000 magic points, at least 300 of which have to come from something other than lineage.
Unlocks your boucle’s septenary magic strain! You get to choose from the following:
- Creator magic
- Any senary magic, see demigod(dess)
- Any quinary magic, see spirit
- Any quaternary magic, see prophet
- Any tertiary magic, see magician
- Any secondary strain, see sorcerer
- Any primary strain, see apprentice
Unlocks unlimited breeding slots.
Grants the right to import a spirit mane rarity 2 MP import, for more info and how to redeem this import read this journal: Importing a MP Import