Male and female boucles can be ~magically and painlessly~ castrated if you no longer wish to breed them, or for other plot-related reasons.
- Castration is non-reversible.
- It can only be performed on boucles with an accepted design.
- Castrated boucles earn +5XP on every deviation, worth at least 5XP as a base.
- You can save up to 4 breeding slots to use after castration as “straws” or “preserved eggs” – these are logged in a Preserved Slot Bank by the group. If slots are reserved for others on the ref before castration, you MUST preserve them.
- You cannot castrate a boucle if it has more than 4 reserved and unused slots.
- You cannot preserve more slots than the boucle has available, e.g. a boucle with 6 slots total and 4 slots already used can only preserve the last 2 slots.
- If not-yet-unlocked slots have been reserved, you cannot castrate the boucle.
- You cannot castrate a boucle with a transfer note pending.
To castrate a boucle, note the group with the following:
TITLE: “Castration Request”
Boucle ID:
Link to Reference:
Preserved Slots: (optional, if not provided there will be no preserved slots)
- Reserved for @USERNAME
- Reserved for @USERNAME
- Reserved for @USERNAME
- Reserved for @USERNAME