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Welcome to Bob’s Trinket Shoppe!
In the marketplace at Trouét Waystation, there is a brightly coloured stall selling items from all over the kingdom! Here you can spend your Unicornian Gold or Earth Monies (USD) to purchase pralines and items that will be of use to you or as gifts for others.
As you approach, a tired but smiling man with pierced cat ears greets you. He seems at home in the marketplace despite his wrinkly pink and grey skin and clearly foreign accent, but both he and the boucle stretching behind him remind you of Sphynx cats. “What are you looking for, traveler? We have whatever you need, if you have coin”.

How to Purchase
Using Unicornian Gold
Note the @BU-RP group with the following form (you may make multiple purchases in the same note):
NOTE TITLE – “Trinket Purchase”
Item/Praline/Companion Name:
Gold Total:
A mod will come by as soon as they are able to process your purchase, but please allow 1-2 weeks during busy times!
Using Earth Monies ($USD)
If you wish to purchase one or several items for USD, please check the price below and then fill out this form. Make sure to write your username and email for PayPal correctly! You will be sent an invoice once your order has been accepted.
MAKE SURE to double check your username and email for PayPal in the the form. If there are any issues, you will be contacted via note on deviantArt!
Selling Shoppe Items
You cannot sell an item, companion or praline for more currency or gold pieces than you paid.
If you are selling an item, companion or praline for XP, you cannot sell it for more than the equivalent listed below of what you paid in currency or gold pieces:
- $10 / 30 gold pieces is equivalent to 12 XP
- $15 / 45 gold pieces is equivalent to 18 XP
- $20 / 60 gold pieces is equivalent to 24 XP
- $30 / 90 gold pieces is equivalent to 36 XP
- $50 / 150 gold pieces is equivalent to 60 XP
Selling Companions:
- Companions can only be unbonded from a boucle if that boucle is transferred to another member – if you have sold the Bonded Boucle, please refer to the Companion Page (TBA) for further details.
- You can only sell companions for the price you bought them for, unless they have at least 5 pieces of art with some effort put in.
Magic Pixies
Unicornian Gold: 45 gold pieces
USD: $15
- They can be bonded to Classique or Palais
- Magic Pixies give a 3 XP bonus when drawn with their Bonded Boucle or featured alongside their Bonded Boucle in literature. They do not give bonuses to other boucles featured in the same work.
The following pixie colourations are available in the Shoppe:

Unicornian Gold: 45 gold pieces
USD: $15
- They can be bonded to Classique or Palais
- Silkies give a 1 XP bonus when drawn with their Bonded Boucle or featured alongside their Bonded Boucle in literature. They do not give bonuses to other boucles featured in the same work.
- Silkies increase the chance for breeding anomalies in any foal produced by their Bonded Boucle. 50% extra chance for common breeding anomalies, 25% extra chance for uncommon breeding anomalies and 10% extra chance for rare breeding anomalies.
- Custom Silkies are available from some events.
The following colourations are available in the Shoppe:

Glimmer Dragons
Unicornian Gold: 45 gold pieces
USD: $15
- They can be bonded to Classique or Palais
- Each Glimmer Dragon has their own “locale” or magic affinity, and gravitate towards boucles who have learned their magic type!
- If bonded to a boucle who does have their magic type, they give a 2% bonus when used in taming attempts! They give a +1XP bonus when shown in all other art or lit with their bonded boucle
- If bonded to a boucle who does not have their magic type, they do not provide a taming bonus, and only provide a +1XP bonus when used in art or lit with their bonded boucle
The following locales are available in the Shoppe:
Elemental Locales:

Fruit Locales:

Unicornian Gold: 45 gold pieces
USD: $15
- They can be bonded to Classique or Palais
- Pommerflies give a 1 XP bonus when drawn with their Bonded Boucle or featured alongside their Bonded Boucle in literature. They do not give bonuses to other boucles featured in the same work.
- Pommerflies increase the chance for breeding anomalies in any foal produced by their Bonded Boucle. 50% extra chance for common breeding anomalies, 25% extra chance for uncommon breeding anomalies and 10% extra chance for rare breeding anomalies.
The following colourations are available in the Shoppe:

Dwarven Mountainhoppers
Unicornian Gold: 45 gold pieces
USD: $15
- They can be bonded to Classique, Palais or Bataille
- Mountainhoppers give a +3XP bonus when drawn with their Bonded Boucle or featured alongside their Bonded Boucle in literature. They do not give bonuses to other boucles featured in the same work.
The following colourations are available from the Shoppe:

Unicornian Gold: N/A
- They can be bonded to Classique or Palais
- Hoppifrogs naturally change colour like shown in the image below. For monocoloured hoppifrogs this change occurs over the whole body at the same time, leaving them without a pattern and in one general colour, thus their name.
- Hoppifrogs give a +3XP bonus when drawn with their Bonded Boucle or featured alongside their Bonded Boucle in literature. They do not give bonuses to other boucles featured in the same work.
Unicornian Gold: N/A
Sprites are unique account-bound companions that can be won as prizes in various events.
- Sprites cannot be transferred between members.
- Sprites do not bond with a specific boucle, and can be used in any of the owner’s lit and art.
- Sprites boost any magic type by one level when drawn with a classique boucle.
- Sprites boost their relevant magic type by two levels. Eg, a Basic level fire user can use Expert Level fire magic with a Fire Sprite present. The boost applies to all classiques in the piece.
- Sprites do not boost armaments or aspects, only classique magic.
None currently available.
Pralines are delicious single-use items you can apply to boucle genos before or after they are rolled. In order to redeem them before the breeding, add it to the breeding form. Most pralines (except for twins/triplets and no-fail breedings) can be added after the breeding is rolled, but please send a separate redemption note to do so!
Click on each praline for redemption information.
Common Pralines:
Unicornian Gold: 30 gold pieces
USD: $10

Uncommon Pralines:
Unicornian Gold: 60 gold pieces
USD: $20

Rare Pralines:
Unicornian Gold: 90 gold pieces
USD: $30

Ultra-Rare Pralines:
Unicornian Gold: 150 gold pieces
USD: $50

Unicornian Gold: 90 gold pieces
USD: $30
These are items that give boosts to your boucles such as XP, loot bonuses and more.