Looking for your first Boucle? You can earn one by drawing or writing gifts for other members!


  • The boucle gifting system is only opened to those who do not already own a boucle!
  • All imports are DIY, meaning you or another member will design it. It will not be designed by an admin.
  • All art made must be pure gifts; there cannot be any form of payment in the art and it cannot be a collaboration.
  • Make sure the owner of the boucle you draw or write about is okay with you using their character!
  • Once you have submitted your redeem for the Newbie Import, you are free to start collecting Boucles from other sources while waiting for your Newbie Import to be uploaded by the mods <3

There are two tiers of this system; Rarity 0 and Rarity 1.

Rarity 0

This boucle import will be ‘natural’, meaning it doesn’t have any mutations, unnatural dilutions or unnatural mutations. It can however be any base, cream, pearl, champagne , classic peach or modern peach colour, as well as any amount of natural modifiers you want. It can have normal mane, lion’s mane or rapunzel mane, and any standard, alternate I or alternate II birthstone.

To earn a rarity 0 import, you will have to gift art worth 20 magic points to any boucle member, preferably more than one, excluding the gift bonus. You can find the magic point system here, but 20 magic points equals 4 coloured fullbody pictures with simple background or 2000 words of literature.

Rarity 1

This boucle import will have 1 heterozygous mutation OR 1 heterozygous unnatural dilution OR 1 heterozygous unnatural modifier. It can have any amount of natural modifiers, and if it doesn’t have 1 heterozygous unnatural dilution is can be any base, cream, pearl, champagne , classic peach or modern peach colour. It can have normal mane, lion’s mane or rapunzel mane, and any standard, alternate I or alternate II birthstone.

To earn a rarity 1 import, you will have to gift art worth 40 magic points to any boucle member, preferably more than one, excluding the gift bonus. You can find the magic point system here, but 40 magic points equals 8 coloured fullbody pictures with simple background or 4000 words of literature.


Once you have completed your gifts for the Rarity 0 or Rarity 1 Newbie Import, visit Importing Starter Designs page for more information on how to redeem your import.

Once you have submitted your redeem for the Newbie Import, you are free to start collecting Boucles from other sources while waiting for your Newbie Import to be uploaded by the mods <3