This page has the basic rules and pricing for importing a boucle unicorn from Unicornia. To order an import, please contact our importers!
- For imports earned through MP or SP, please read this journal: Importing a MP/SP Import
- For imports won in contests, raffles and the likes, please read this journal: Importing a Prize Import
Available Importers
These are the designers that currently have permission to import Boucle Unicorns. Keep in mind that they might not have their services open at the moment, so make sure to check their journals. If you cannot find an import journal, they’re probably closed!:
- DonPurrleone (SilveringOak)
- Tigglesaurus
- MonsLeonis
Other mods may have seasonal permission to import designs, usually around their birthdays!
- All payments should be made up front!
- It is okay to look up the status of your import, but please keep in mind that importers have lives outside of dA too! Give them a reasonable amount of time before noting them.
- Any deals made with an importer is their responsibility, and problems should be attempted to be solved with them first. However, if you cannot solve the problem with the importer, feel free to note luminasha or SilveringOak. They might be able to help!
The following are not available through custom imports:
Note that MP imports and prize imports follow slightly different rules
- Carried genes, such as flaxen on a noir boucle
- Smoke colours
- Orchid Pearl and Intense Orchid Pearl other orchid colours are available
- Crayon colours
- Phien colours
- Event mutations, event coats included
- Event birthstones
- Ancients’ Blessing mutation if earned through the MP system, you can add the seer reward to your import if the importer allows!
- Birth defects
- The following manetypes:
- Snowpuff
- Seraph
- Lapin
- Angora
- Spirit
The following are only available during special circumstances:
- Pastelle colours and the daydreamer mutation are only available when DonPurrleone offers them around their birthday
- The glacé mutation and lumistone birthstone are only available when lumivarium offers them around his birthday
- The rosier mutation and tigglestone are only available when Tigglesaurus offers them around her birthday
- The saigner mutation is only available when MonsLeonis offers it around her birthday
- The chouette mutation is only available when TsonianFieldsRanch offers it around their birthday
Other restrictions:
- Your import will be normal, rapunzel or lion’s mane unless you buy a special mane import
- Only Palais can be imported with Corith, Jardin or Foo mane
- Bataille can only be imported with War Mane (normal)
- You can only import modern bonbon colours and classic bonbon colours if you buy a bonbon import
- Each import can only have one of the following BAs:
- Chimerism
- Lacing
- Brindle
- Reverse Brindle
- Birdcatcher Spots
- Bend-Or Spots
Rarities range from Rarity 0 up to Rarity 4.
The rarity is decided by what mutations, unnatural modifiers and unnatural dilutions your import has. If your boucle only has natural genes, it will be a rarity 0. Each unnatural gene will add towards your boucles rarity, so a boucle with one heterozygous unnatural gene will be a rarity 1; if they have one homozygous unnatural gene or two heterozygous ones they will be a rarity 2 and so on.
Rarity 0
A rarity 0 boucle only has natural genes. This means they are one of the following colours:
- Base colours
- Cream colours
- Pearl colours
- Champagne colours
- Classic peach colours
- Modern peach colours
The import can optionally have any number of natural modifiers:
- Silver (on noir- & brun-based boucles only)
- Flaxen (on rouge-based boucles only)
- Dun
- Grey
- Roan
- Pangaré
- Sooty
- Rabicano
- White patterns;
- dominant white
- overo
- tobiano
- splash
- sabino
- rigoletto
- cirrus
- fissure
- residual white
- Appaloosa patterns;
Rarity 1, 2, 3 & 4
If your boucle has a higher rarity than 0, it means it has at least one unnatural gene. That can mean an unnatural dilution, an unnatural modifier or a mutation. The rarity of said boucle is determined by the number of these genes they have. The following counts as unnatural genes:
- Unnatural dilutions;
- Chocolat colours – spliced chocolat fange combos counts as a minimum of rarity 2, swirled bonbon chocolat combos are only available when buying a bonbon import
- Aqua colours
- Abricot colours
- Rouille colours
- Regius colours
- Brasier colours
- Soir colours
- Orchid colours – except orchid pearl and intense orchid pearl, which are not importable!
- Paon colours
- Doré colours
- Tea colours
- Fange colours – except patchy smoke fange combos which are not importable! bleeding bonbon fange combos are only available when buying a bonbon import
- Wyvern colours – only nWy wyvern colours are importable, regius combinations add to the rarity
- Highlighter colours – due to highlighter being recessive it always counts as a rarity 2
- Unnatural modifiers;
- Magique
- Coloré
- Siamois
- Céleste
- Éclat
- Loup – due to its recessive nature, homozygous loup counts only towards 1 rarity, so an otherwise natural boucle with homozygous loup is counted as rarity 1
- Occlusion
- Marbre
- Inverse white;
- Koi patterns;
- Mutations – extended counts towards rarity, so an extended mutation counts as two unnatural genes – event mutations are not importable
Import Categories
There are several types of custom imports, with different perks and price ranges. All import categories use the same rarity scale, priced accordingly. The category is determined by what mane your import has, and whether or not they are a bonbon colour.
Standard import
These imports have a basic mane type (normal, rapunzel or lion’s mane) and are not a bonbon colour.
Keep in mind that this is a guide, and that importers are allowed to charge more depending on circumstance. Importers may also accept other currencies, points or art for imports but that is not mandatory and up to each importer!
Rarity 0: 15 USD
Rarity 1: 20 USD
Rarity 2: 25 USD
Rarity 3: 30 USD
Rarity 4: 40 USD
Special Mane import
These imports have one of the following mane types and are not a bonbon colour:
- Bald Mane
- Poodaleere Mane
- True Kirin Mane
- Goldilocks Mane
- Wisp Mane
- Chou Mane
- Schnauzeere Mane
- Piscine Mane
- Corinth (Palais only)
- Jardin (Palais only)
- Foo (Palais only)
Keep in mind that this is a guide, and that importers are allowed to charge more depending on circumstance. Importers may also accept other currencies, points or art for imports but that is not mandatory and up to each importer!
Rarity 0: 40 USD
Rarity 1: 45 USD
Rarity 2: 50 USD
Rarity 3: 55 USD
Rarity 4: 65 USD
Bonbon import
These imports have a basic mane type (normal, rapunzel or lion’s mane) and are either a modern bonbon or classic bonbon colour!
Keep in mind that this is a guide, and that importers are allowed to charge more depending on circumstance. Importers may also accept other currencies, points or art for imports but that is not mandatory and up to each importer!
Rarity 0: 65 USD
Rarity 1: 70 USD
Rarity 2: 75 USD
Rarity 3: 80 USD
Rarity 4: 90 USD
Special Mane Bonbon import
There imports have one of the following mane types and are either a modern bonbon or classic bonbon colour:
- Bald Mane
- Poodaleere Mane
- True Kirin Mane
- Goldilocks Mane
- Wisp Mane
- Chou Mane
- Schnauzeere Mane
- Piscine Mane
Keep in mind that this is a guide, and that importers are allowed to charge more depending on circumstance. Importers may also accept other currencies, points or art for imports but that is not mandatory and up to each importer!
Rarity 0: 100 USD
Rarity 1: 105 USD
Rarity 2: 110 USD
Rarity 3: 115 USD
Rarity 4: 120 USD
Special Birthday Imports
These are imports commonly only available around an admin’s birthday! They can be one of the following:
- Imports with pastelle colours and / or daydreamer around SilveringOak‘s birthday
- Imports with glacé and / or luminstone around luminasha‘s birthday
- Imports with rosier and / or tiggles stone around Tigglesaurus‘ birthday
- Imports with saigner around MonsLeonis‘ birthday
- Imports with chouette around TsonianFieldsRanch‘s birthday
Keep in mind that this is a guide, and that importers are allowed to charge more depending on circumstance. Importers may also accept other currencies, points or art for imports but that is not mandatory and up to each importer!
Standard Manes
Rarity 0, plus one birthday colour/mutation: 60 USD
Rarity 1, plus one birthday colour/mutation: 65 USD
Rarity 2, plus one birthday colour/mutation: 70 USD
Rarity 3, plus one birthday colour/mutation: 75 USD
Rarity 4, plus one birthday colour/mutation: 80 USD
Special Manes
Rarity 0, plus one birthday colour/mutation: 90 USD
Rarity 1, plus one birthday colour/mutation: 95 USD
Rarity 2, plus one birthday colour/mutation: 100 USD
Rarity 3, plus one birthday colour/mutation: 105 USD
Rarity 4, plus one birthday colour/mutation: 110 USD
Standard Manes
Rarity 0, plus two birthday colours/mutations: 110 USD
Rarity 1, plus two birthday colours/mutations: 120 USD
Rarity 2, plus two birthday colours/mutations: 130 USD
Rarity 3, plus two birthday colours/mutations: 140 USD
Rarity 4, plus two birthday colours/mutations: 150 USD
Special Manes
Rarity 0, plus two birthday colours/mutations: 180 USD
Rarity 1, plus two birthday colours/mutations: 190 USD
Rarity 2, plus two birthday colours/mutations: 200 USD
Rarity 3, plus two birthday colours/mutations: 210 USD
Rarity 4, plus two birthday colours/mutations: 220 USD
Other Import Categories
Admins may also do special sales for more unique imports, such as Favours or Bubble Manes etc – these sales will be uniquely priced. Check our Importer’s journals for all import sales.