
The Adopt a Boucle Centre (ABC) is a geno donation and adoption centre! Members can donate a geno once a month in return for Unicornian Gold for others to adopt for free! 

You can see all the genos available for adoption on the ABC Available Genos Sheet.

You can see all the reserved/claimed genos on the ABC Reserved/Claimed Genos Sheet

ABC, previously known as the BoucleShops

The ABC is a remake of the previous @BoucleShops under the official umbrella of the group. All leftover genos from the Boucleshops have been transferred to the ABC, and are available for adoption under the new system. You can find all the past genos adopted through the @BoucleShops on the relevant pages on the archived group.


  1. Members can adopt ONCE a month.
    1. Newbie Initiative: Newbies’ first two adoptions do not count towards their “once a month” adoption limits. “Newbie” = A member who does not already have a Boucle, geno or import, but may have reserved slots.
  2. Members can donate ONE geno a month.
  3. Donated Boucles must be owned by you, it does not have to be bred by you.
  4. You CAN donate a Boucle that already has an accepted design. In this case, you are giving permission to whoever adopts the foal to use that design if they wish to. The Adoptee still has the option to redesign them.
  5. You CANNOT donate an already registered Boucle.
  6. You CANNOT adopt a geno you have donated.
  7. You CANNOT return adopted genos back to the ABC.
  8. You CANNOT donate no-sale genos (ie, they will have “Cannot be sold for currency” in the registry notes).
  9. You CANNOT sell ABC genos, only gift them or trade for art, items and other genos.

How to Donate

You can only donate one geno per month. When you donate a valid geno, you will receive 5UG (Unicornian Gold).

  1. Fill in the ABC Donation form
  2. The gold will be added to your account when the geno is added to the ABC.

How to Adopt

You can only adopt one geno per month, with the exception of the Newbie Initiative (see below). Any member can adopt from the ABC.

  1. Browse the available genos on the ABC Available Genos Sheet, choose one or two that you would like to apply for
  2. Fill in the ABC Adoption Form
  3. You can choose up to two genos currently in the ABC, and we will try and give you your top choice if it’s not already taken.
    • If both of your choices are taken, you can enter again in the same month.
  4. The geno will be transferred into your name and then you can submit a design.
    • If it has a design already, you can use that or submit a new design to the group.

Newbie Initiative: Newbies’ first two adoptions do not count towards their “once a month” adoption limits. 
“Newbie” = A member who does not already have a Boucle, geno or import, but may have reserved slots.


What does “Once a Month” mean?

Once a month means once in each month, not once a month apart. So you could adopt one boucle on the 31st of January and another on the 1st of February, but then the next time you could adopt would be the 1st of March at the earliest!

How is the ABC different to BoucleShops?

  • The ABC is group-run, so it is integrated into group rewards and transfers
  • The ABC does not accept slot donations, only full genos from breedings or genos from Random Foal Pralines
  • Adoptees do not have to complete XP payments to receive their adopted geno, they are free and first come first serve.
  • Donors receive Unicornian Gold for donating when their donations are processed and put into the adoption pool, rather than XP after the resulting geno is adopted.

A geno from one of my slots I donated was transferred from the BoucleShops to the ABC, will I still get XP for my boucles?

Yes! Members who donated slots to the BoucleShop that resulted in genos that had not been “paid for” with XP have received a +5 XP Coupon to apply to any Boucle of their choice (the rewards were given to the member who donated the slot rather than the current owner of the Boucle). 

Genos that were applied for via the BoucleShop but not distributed before it closed have been transferred for free, and an XP Coupon has been given to the slot donors. 

I donated a slot to the BoucleShops but it was never used, can I unreserve it?

Yes, absolutely. If you’re sure the slot was not used, go ahead and unreserve it! the ABC will not be able to use it.