Chouette is a mutation that causes a white ‘hood’ to form around the head and throat, often extending to the forelegs or belly. This hood is usually barred with the basecoat colour of the Boucle, with some detailing around the eyes showing through. If the hood extends to the mane it can cause white manes with barring as well. This mutation can also cause darker barred areas across the Boucle’s topline, sometimes extending into the tail and mane. The muzzle takes on a beak like colour, sometimes accompanied by marking of the same colour on the front legs.
This is a birthday mutation! Imports with this mutation will only be open around the 30th of August and can only be sold by TsonianFieldsRanch unless permission is given.
Mutation Type: Birthday
Extends: Yes
2D or 3D: 2D
Importable: Yes - Special tier [Rarity: 1-2]
First Released: in March 2020, contributed by TsonianFieldsRanch
Genotype(s) and Combination Genotypes are importable, Carrier Genotypes are not importable.
Carrier genotypes are not visible on the Boucle
Example Gallery
Extended Info
In extended from Chouette allows for bird like colours to appear on the whole coat or the white and barring may take up 100% of the coat, tail and mane.