A Ticked boucle has bolton spots on all Residual White and White Markings. Spots may be no larger than the pupil (one or 2 cm in diameter), cannot be mistaken for appaloosa spotting (unless combined with Appaloosa), and at minimum must be present on the face, lower legs or belly. Maximum expression may appear all over the boucle, and it may or may not fade out the edges of markings that are usually crisp. Shown is an average expression.

Does not affect Grey or Roan.

Importable: Yes [Rarity: Natural]

First Released: in October 2022, contributed by J4-Coltrain


Genotype(s) and Combination Genotypes are importable, Carrier Genotypes are not importable.



Combination Genotypes:

ttc = Ticking and Cutout

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