We have compiled this document in the hopes that it will help prevent confusion amongst members and aid those pesky boucles in earning their points (MP/SP/BP) for literature! ~ Love from the BUMPers
The most common reasons for ‘rejected’ literature points include a combination of the following:
- The boucle is not named or is not identifiable by a description
- There are no defining characteristics for the boucle
- The passing comment is only a sentence long
- Thet boucle is not relevant to the story/plot (in other words, their removal would not change anything within the story)
On the ‘Earning Experience Points (MP/BP/SP)’ page, it states:
“For literature to count towards the boucle, it needs to play some part in the story. It does not need to be mentioned every x amount of words.”
How to “Play a Part in the Story”
In order to count for literature points, the boucle in question must play a role (completing an action) within the story. This can include:
- Being seen, perhaps they are up to something sneaky and failing to hide or they may even be SO beautiful and shiny that another boucle has become awestruck.
- Being heard, perhaps they are talking so loudly that another boucle can hear from a mile away, or they are so quiet that someone has to keep asking them to speak up.
- Interacting, whether it be touching, talking, giving a quest or something else.
Think of them like NPCs in a simulation game, or even in a D&D campaign; while NPCs don’t often appear for very long, their presence is usually impactful.
Adding descriptors
The bare minimum that we look out for when checking over a literature piece is that the boucle’s name/nickname/descriptor is mentioned and that there is some sort of description of either their appearance or their personality.
The boucle’s name allows us to cross-reference and ensure that THAT is the boucle we are counting and looking for, as there is no unique name requirement for boucles and sometimes some boucles with the same name end up in the same stories, it can get rather confusing for us BU-MPers!
To make it easier for BU-MPers, if you are not including the boucles registered name, include their descriptor or nickname in the description together with the link to the boucle so we know exactly what to look for!
Eg, in the deviation description include the following for every boucle:
Wordcount: Own boucles included: (if applicable - the boucle link(s) & what name or descriptor was used) Payment boucles included: (if applicable - the boucle link(s) & what name or descriptor was used) Gift boucles included: (if applicable - the boucle link(s) & what name or descriptor was used) Other breeds/species/non boucles included: (if applicable - the link(s) & what name or descriptor was used)
Qualified Examples
Qualified Example 1:
Bayard King trotted along the cobble path, mischievously looking around for some sort of adventure to partake on. As he trotted along, he could see one of his dear friends Cherry Blossom, the pink and white rapunzel, attempt to herd her little fillies towards the park. That looked like great fun, perhaps she would allow him to join – he could use some fun activities to curb his energy!
Within this example, both Bayard King and Cherry Blossom would receive literature points, but the fillies would not as they do not have any descriptions or names to differentiate them from other boucles.
Qualified Example 2:
Corpse hated crowds with a passion. From his vantage point, he could see a small group of boucles not that far away and he prayed that they would not notice him, and worse, ask him to join them. Within the group was Puddin’ Cup, the rather clumsy yellow boucle that was hard to miss, as he was notorious for getting into troublesome situations. Puddin’ Cup was talking to the angora stallion called Titan and while Corpse had never spoken to him, he had heard that he was rather nice and sweet.
Within this example, Corpse, Puddin’ Cup and Titan would all receive literature points as they all play a role; Titan and Puddin’ Cup are interacting while Corpse observes them.
Qualified Example 3:
“The interesting part is that not only has the Bataille seemed to have an affinity for water, the sea, or even the sea shanties that he hums, but it is said that he has been marked by these so-called Gods for he has the mark of Trident on his tail, perfectly on display for everyone to see. As of yet we have not been able to catch a sighting ourselves, but everyone that we have encountered has confirmed this story, nicknaming him Trident and staying well clear of him for it is said that if one tries to approach him he will simply turn and walk away, still humming.”
In this example, both the storytelling boucle and the boucle being spoken about, Trident, will earn literature points. As although he is not present, the rumor that mentions him plays a part in the plot and he is not only named but described within the description. If his name was removed, there is still a good description to identify him by.
Disqualified Examples:
Disqualified Example 1:
Jayvee walked past Siofra, Seabound and Elijah as he strolled through the paddock, making his way swiftly towards the next set of boucles.
Jayvee would receive literature points, as he is completing an action and furthering the story, however Siofra, Seabound and Elijah would not as they are not participating in the plotline. However, this can be easily fixed by using some descriptors:
Jayvee walked past Siofra, Seabound and Elijah who were deep in conversation, but halted when he strolled by. Siofra nodded in greeting, which he swiftly returned and Seabound called out a quick hello while Elijah took the opportunity to dip his head to the ground, munching on the lush grass. Shaking his head with a smile, Jayvee continued on, making his way swiftly towards the next set of boucles.
By adding descriptors, this example will now pass
Disqualified Example 2:
The purple boucle walked over to the red boucle, who was laughing at something the blue boucle had said.
These boucles would not receive any points, as there are no identifying features to separate them from any other boucles. In order for them to receive points, we need to add some identifying features and descriptors:
The purple boucle began to walk over to the feather winged pomme mare, her eyes and nose dripping with tree sap. Every few strides, she would have to pause and fix her footing, as the troublesome vines from her rosier was causing her to end up in a tangle. The pomme mare in question was beautiful, and seemed to be looking in her direction, even as she laughed at something that her blue companion had whispered. As she drew closer, she could make out the distinct mutations that the blue mare had, as they were mutations she shared; feerie and rosier were always a wonderful combination.
By making it more clear what the boucles look like and how they are identified, this example will now pass
We hope this helps clear up our criteria for Boucles to gain points from literature! Any further questions please ask in Discord #bump-questions or note the group!
Love from the BU-MP Team <3