A mutation related to Papillion that creates petals or small flowers that dance and fall around the Boucle. Petals must be in the same colour unless Extended. When combined with Papillion, butterflies and petals appear together.
Mutation Type: Normal
Extends: Yes
2D or 3D: 3D
Importable: Yes [Rarity: 1-2]
First Released: in October 2022, contributed by BlueFire-Phoenix & RainbowFoxxy
Genotype(s) and Combination Genotypes are importable, Carrier Genotypes are not importable.
Carrier genotypes are not visible on the Boucle
nPae or PaePae
Combination Genotypes:
PaPae = Papillion and Pétale combo
Example Gallery
Extended Info
Extended Pétale can be multiple colours.